View Full Version : The old question do you lose to get a better draft pick?

12-28-2009, 04:12 PM
There are a number of fans on any loseing team in any sport that at the end of the season think its best for there team to lose there games so they in turn get a better draft pick in there sports draft. There have been theroys that some teams did this in the past to get a "cant miss player". The Colts for peyton manning. The cleveland cavs to get lebron james to name a couple. But is this realy a good thing for NFL teams to do? Does this approch realy work?

Sure there are a number of cases that this has worked out welll for teams. The Colts have loved haveing peyton under center for a number of years. Getting a player like that excites your fan base and gets ticket sales up to see this new player that is going to lead your team for years to come. In alot of cases it realy works out and teams enjoy a great amount of sucess as long as that player is there. However there is a huge but what if there. A but what if there that any GM can't ingnore and has to realy think about.

But what if that player turns out to be not as good as thought to be or worse a total bust. To me any sports drat is just a bunch of teams taking a few gambles on players. You never no if you are going to get peyton manning or ryan leaf. If you think back to the 1998 draft ( I belive thats the year peyton came out.) There was a huge debate on witch QB should have gone first. IT worked out for the Colts as they chose right. But what if they had drafted leaf. Would the loseing have helped any. We will never no. We wont no how leaf would have done if he had a diffrent coach and diffrent players around him. Maybe peyton would have been the one that is looked at as a bust now if he went to the Chargers. Something tells me that would not have happend but you never no.

Loseing games for a draft pick can work out. There is no denying that. But if it does not work out perfectly it is also something that can not only hurt your team in the short term but something that can set your team back for years to come. Going and trying for a win is a sure thing. If you lose you get that pick but if you win not only will that give your fan base something to smile about on the offeseason but is something that you can take into the next season. And bottom line a win NEVER hurts. The simple fact of the matter is that the NFL teams owe it to there fans to win whatever game that they can. Loseing a game for a draft pick is a dangrous game to play. Sure it can work out and you could get that cant miss player that turns out to be your next hall of famer. But if it does not work out then not only do you have an extra loss on your record then you are probley looking for anther job if your a gm. ITs just to dangrous of a game to play for me.

12-28-2009, 04:49 PM
I'll answer this question a lot simpler.


12-28-2009, 06:14 PM
If your 7-8 and not going to the playoffs, then maybe, but when you are 3-12 you need a win. I like most people don't want a top 5 draft anyway, all that money I feel will be wasted and nobody is going to want to trade with us either.

12-28-2009, 06:33 PM
Like I said in the thread similar to this, win, take the worst draft pick and use the money you save not paying a top 5 draft pick to get some solid free agent(s).

12-28-2009, 06:52 PM
First, we would possibly be going from 3rd to 6th, not 7th.

Second, personally I think the best draft position is closer to the teens. I think you get a lot more value and flexibility with less risk.

Third, I will never root for the Chiefs to lose.

12-28-2009, 07:26 PM
No. Its too hard to trade out of the top 5. I want to trade down one or two spots so we can get a few extra picks.

I don't see us getting out of the top 5 tho.

12-29-2009, 03:51 AM
Id be happy that Im getting a good pick in the draft but I wouldn't WANT to lose to get a better one.

slc chief
12-29-2009, 08:22 AM
No. Its too hard to trade out of the top 5. I want to trade down one or two spots so we can get a few extra picks.

I don't see us getting out of the top 5 tho.

dont forget 2010 is going to be an uncapped year.so it is possible jerry jones or snyder would trade into the top 5

Chief Tyler
12-29-2009, 01:27 PM
Keeping the Donks out of the playoffs would make this a wonderful new years holiday.

Easy answer is no.

12-29-2009, 01:54 PM
no. no. (I had to type it twice cause the original message was too short)

12-29-2009, 06:59 PM
dont forget 2010 is going to be an uncapped year.so it is possible jerry jones or snyder would trade into the top 5

I was thinking that if there was a year where someone would trade into the top 5, it would be the upcoming uncapped year. Then I thought only Snyder or Jones would be that crazy to throw that kind of money around.

12-29-2009, 10:56 PM
First, we would possibly be going from 3rd to 6th, not 7th.

Second, personally I think the best draft position is closer to the teens. I think you get a lot more value and flexibility with less risk.

Third, I will never root for the Chiefs to lose.

My favorite picks from last years drafts went here, those USC boys can play some D and look at the effect Rey had on Cincy's D. Not to mention we'd start the next decade on a bang... knockin' the Donks playoff chances out the door, and we'd be undefeated for the upcoming decade for awhile. Go JC get your yards and let's crush some donkey tail...... I really, really hope this happens! But whatever, this seasons almost over then next year we can get down to business properly.