View Full Version : One Arrowhead Dr hit by Stupid Stick

01-06-2010, 02:33 PM
After listening to a video this morning of Haley talking about Weiss & Crennel I believe the Chiefs Organization has been hit with the stupid stick. I think they believe they already have the coaches they need in place to win even though all of the ticket buying fans know differently. Weiss and Crennel would be a major upgrade to the coaching staff and would probably put some butts in seats next year.
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.

01-06-2010, 02:37 PM
of course they arent just going to come out and say that they are looking at weis and crennel. Im sure one or the other will be on our staff by the end of the week.

01-06-2010, 02:44 PM
You are more confident than I am.

01-06-2010, 02:48 PM
Wait, if they are saying they have the coaches they need to win, does that mean Haley will still be OC next season?

01-06-2010, 02:55 PM
Wait, if they are saying they have the coaches they need to win, does that mean Haley will still be OC next season?
No, he said that he wanted a OC and that Weiss would be one that would be able to run the offense he has put in place.
He also said that all coaches, including himself was being evaluated now and that as soon as a decision was made they would let the press know. You can keep your blood pressure in check for now Vern.:11:

01-06-2010, 02:55 PM
wow give them both time..of course haley wil say that..he can't just blurt out that he wants both on the team exp since the dc still hasn't been fired yet

01-06-2010, 02:56 PM
Haley just had his final press conference of the season. He admitted that there has been communication with Charlie Weis and it sounds like Weis is going to be the OC next season, but he didn't say anything about Crennel. It could be because we still have a DC in place and he's showing respect for Pendergast while he's still employed.

01-06-2010, 02:57 PM
I watched that Haley said he WAS looking for someone to run the offense. I think that if not Weis then we are going to see someone as the OC next season. As for the DC i am not sure what to expect. If clancey is back then he will have a lot of pressure on him to improve the Defense. We will just have to wait and see what happens this offseason.

01-06-2010, 02:57 PM
No, he said that he wanted a OC and that Weiss would be one that would be able to run the offense he has put in place.
He also said that all coaches, including himself was being evaluated now and that as soon as a decision was made they would let the press know. You can keep your blood pressure in check for now Vern.:11:

Well that's good, I was about to go buy a plane ticket!!!

01-06-2010, 03:34 PM
After listening to a video this morning of Haley talking about Weiss & Crennel I believe the Chiefs Organization has been hit with the stupid stick. I think they believe they already have the coaches they need in place to win even though all of the ticket buying fans know differently. Weiss and Crennel would be a major upgrade to the coaching staff and would probably put some butts in seats next year.
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.really?

01-06-2010, 03:56 PM

You beat me to it..... wow.

01-06-2010, 05:33 PM
You beat me to it..... wow.
One of those bandwagon fans. Don.t let the door hit you in the ***!!!

01-06-2010, 06:07 PM
One of those bandwagon fans. Don.t let the door hit you in the ***!!!

I have been a Chiefs fan longer than most of you have been alive.
I am sick and tired of the mis management shown by this organization.
There is a difference between being a loyal fan and blind loyalty.
Get over it.

01-06-2010, 07:48 PM
Recent developements change your opinion?

01-06-2010, 08:09 PM

01-06-2010, 08:11 PM
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.

Bit of a moot point now that Weiss has come on board, but you're REALLY that fickle, that KC not picking the coaches you want is a reason to find a new team to root for?

Wow, dude. Maybe you should do that anyway.

I have been a Chiefs fan longer than most of you have been alive.
I am sick and tired of the mis management shown by this organization.
There is a difference between being a loyal fan and blind loyalty.
Get over it.

I don't give a rip how long you've been a chief fan. No one asks you to. No one forces you to like one team or another, so if the stress and heartache of following KC is too much for you, why do you do it?

Get over it?

Get over yourself.

01-06-2010, 08:15 PM
In other words, if my opinion differs from yours, I should just shut up?

01-06-2010, 09:19 PM
After listening to a video this morning of Haley talking about Weiss & Crennel I believe the Chiefs Organization has been hit with the stupid stick. I think they believe they already have the coaches they need in place to win even though all of the ticket buying fans know differently. Weiss and Crennel would be a major upgrade to the coaching staff and would probably put some butts in seats next year.
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.

I have been a Chiefs fan longer than most of you have been alive.
I am sick and tired of the mis management shown by this organization.
There is a difference between being a loyal fan and blind loyalty.
Get over it.

Recent developements change your opinion?


In other words, if my opinion differs from yours, I should just shut up?
NO, It is just that the Chiefs Crowd is Home to True Fans, so if you are not, a band wagon fan, and are a true fan, Introduce yourself, and tell us about yourself in the introduce myself forum. Comments like what I highlighted my put you in a negitive frame of opinion about you, so you may want to clarify what you meant by that, such as I was just PIO, and if we did not do this, or if we do not do this, was just out of pure frustration, and that it was just a burst insanity, because no true CHIEF FAN WILL EVER ABANDON SHIP, but may grip, complain, even be negitave, but always is a TRUE CHIEF'S FAN!!!! :11:

01-06-2010, 09:27 PM
You're right and I'm happy to clarify.
Yes, I was just ranting out of years of frustration. I love the chiefs otherwise I wouldn't even care. But I do care.
Sorry everybody.

01-06-2010, 09:40 PM
You're right and I'm happy to clarify.
Yes, I was just ranting out of years of frustration. I love the chiefs otherwise I wouldn't even care. But I do care.
Sorry everybody.
Yes, we have much to be frustrated about, the almost, and should haves!!! Over the years. Glad we could clear this up and apology accepted and rep for it.:11:

01-06-2010, 10:08 PM
I have been a Chiefs fan longer than most of you have been alive.
I am sick and tired of the mis management shown by this organization.
There is a difference between being a loyal fan and blind loyalty.
Get over it.
Oh really?? Ive been a fan over 37 years now...maybe ur just so old you need to clear out the cob webs and drink some geratol.

Connie Jo
01-06-2010, 11:50 PM
After listening to a video this morning of Haley talking about Weiss & Crennel I believe the Chiefs Organization has been hit with the stupid stick. I think they believe they already have the coaches they need in place to win even though all of the ticket buying fans know differently. Weiss and Crennel would be a major upgrade to the coaching staff and would probably put some butts in seats next year.
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.

I will never root for a team other than my beloved Chiefs...not possible! My Chiefs are in my heart, soul, and blood! As well, they are a family tradition!

GO CHIEFS 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015...and for the rest of my life!! Possibly my life in heaven too, if God will allow me to watch games & root for my Chiefs from my cloud above, hahaha. I'll just have to watch the cussing no doubt, HA!


Connie Jo
01-07-2010, 12:11 AM
I have been a Chiefs fan longer than most of you have been alive.
I am sick and tired of the mis management shown by this organization.
There is a difference between being a loyal fan and blind loyalty.
Get over it.

My previous reply was an immediate response to your original post, I hadn't read this far yet.

How long have you been a Chiefs fan in years, rather than in generalization? I'm simply curious.

My dad became a fan in 1963...I was raised a Chiefs fan. My interest truly began when in my early teens watching our Chiefs through the 1969 season, & win SBIV...so I count from 1969 realistically with my being a Chiefs fan. 41 yrs...and still PROUDLY counting, win or lose.

Blind loyalty? Nah, there is no such thing when a passion is deep within your heart, soul, blood and family. My loyalty is not only to my Chiefs as a team, but to my dad...carrying on a family tradition, of which I know he is very proud. My loyalty is also to my kids, and grand-children, of whom have, and continue to follow my example as a loyal Chiefs fan.

Valuable 'life' lessons were/are being taught both directly and indirectly related to my being a loyal Chiefs fan...to my kids and grandkids.

GO CHIEFS 2010!! and for LIFE!!

01-07-2010, 12:41 AM
about 45 years.
I was lucky, my dad had season tickets for only one year, 1969.

01-07-2010, 12:42 AM
I will never root for a team other than my beloved Chiefs...not possible! My Chiefs are in my heart, soul, and blood! As well, they are a family tradition!

GO CHIEFS 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015...and for the rest of my life!! Possibly my life in heaven too, if God will allow me to watch games & root for my Chiefs from my cloud above, hahaha. I'll just have to watch the cussing no doubt, HA!


No need to worry i am sure they will have a :sign0053: button whenever you needed it. :lol:

Connie Jo
01-07-2010, 01:17 AM
about 45 years.
I was lucky, my dad had season tickets for only one year, 1969.

Well you and your dad were definitely fortunate to have season tickets for 1969! A legendary year in Chiefs history, and legendary team!

My dad preferred living on the West Coast much of my childhood. Not as many games were aired back then, but I was able to watch SBIV on TV from the L.A suburban area.

I'm speculating that if you've been a Chiefs fan that long, then your comment relating to finding another team was one more of frustration, rather than one of seriousness...yes? no?...I'm hoping so anyway, haha. :D

Connie Jo
01-07-2010, 01:20 AM
No need to worry i am sure they will have a :sign0053: button whenever you needed it. :lol:

I hope so! I might be in trouble if not, especially with bad calls, no calls, and so on. Hey...maybe I'll even be allowed to create some 12th man noise with a roll of thunder every now & then too!

01-07-2010, 12:49 PM
Well you and your dad were definitely fortunate to have season tickets for 1969! A legendary year in Chiefs history, and legendary team!

My dad preferred living on the West Coast much of my childhood. Not as many games were aired back then, but I was able to watch SBIV on TV from the L.A suburban area.

I'm speculating that if you've been a Chiefs fan that long, then your comment relating to finding another team was one more of frustration, rather than one of seriousness...yes? no?...I'm hoping so anyway, haha. :D

01-07-2010, 12:57 PM
After listening to a video this morning of Haley talking about Weiss & Crennel I believe the Chiefs Organization has been hit with the stupid stick. I think they believe they already have the coaches they need in place to win even though all of the ticket buying fans know differently. Weiss and Crennel would be a major upgrade to the coaching staff and would probably put some butts in seats next year.
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.

I think they are saying that because nothing is official yet. They are dangling a huge carrot in front of both waiting to bite before making the moves.

Do you find it odd that Crennel was supposedly rumored to be our DC last year, while the Chiefs did not who/annouce the DC was for weeks. I think they had 99% of their eggs in Crennels basket but he decided he needed a year off to heal from his hip problems. It may have been Hailey intentions since last year to have Crennel as his Dc but had to fall back on Pendergast (sp???) as a safety value.

Hailey has time and time again said, that he has not talked to both Weis and Crennel about being the OC and DC at that time. He never ruled them out. Weis is apparently now on board. The rumors are still there for Crennel. Clancy said he is safe, but never said as a DC. I truly think the delay in naming Clancy as the DC was because of their efforts in getting Crennel and Clancy knows it. His job is safe but not as Dc.

01-07-2010, 01:28 PM
After listening to a video this morning of Haley talking about Weiss & Crennel I believe the Chiefs Organization has been hit with the stupid stick. I think they believe they already have the coaches they need in place to win even though all of the ticket buying fans know differently. Weiss and Crennel would be a major upgrade to the coaching staff and would probably put some butts in seats next year.
Oh well, Maybe it's time to find a new team to root for.
The Raiders are ALWAYS looking for a few good fans!:fan_wave2:

01-07-2010, 03:39 PM

Kinda what I thought.

01-16-2010, 02:21 AM
Kinda what I thought.
What have you thought about?
