Conversation Between TopekaRoy and Chiefster

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Just saw your reply buddy. LOL!
    Completely agree with you!
  2. The song didn't bother me too much. The melody is okay and the lyrics are inspirational/aspirational. I was more offended by the video that portrayed America as a racist country. There's a place for the Black National Anthem as a song for the Black community to rally around, I guess, but the NFL is not that place. They preach unity and equality, but playing the song before the National Anthem is divisive, by definition. Should we also play a Hispanic anthem, a Gay Anthem and a Women's Anthem? Once you open the door, where does it stop?
  3. Just my opinion buddy, but I will not stand for the "Black National Anthum" nor will I salute the "Black American Flag"! I will not legitimize any symbol that devides this country that I love by honoring their existence. I will not participate in the bringing down of this nation. Let BLMinc and Antifa go somewhere else and establish their own nation!
    Can you tell that I have strong feelings about this. LOL!
  4. I gotta tell ya with the running into the kicker; there's been worse not called. Chiefs got lucky that one.
  5. Hey buddy, I think tonight's game is could be interesting at the least. I think the Bears are a better team then their record might indicate.
    I'm glad the Chiefs picked up Suggs but can't help but wonder why his last team let him go.
  6. How's it going buddy? Wished the Bears could've pulled that one out earlier.
  7. Hey buddy,
    Just wanted to let you know that my mom passed away this afternoon. We are meeting with the funeral home tomorrow to finalize things. So, I may not be posting for a while. I'm watching the game just to keep my mind off of things right now. Any prayers and good thoughts would be appreciated buddy. Please let the crowd know for me.
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