An attorney from Kansas Legal Aid called me a bit ago, and it appears my case against my 'x' husband related to his non compliance of all court orders in our divorce decree, is favorable with their accepting my application for legal representation at no cost.

The attorney said she wanted to speak with her supervisor however, as my case is very rare & complicated, due to my isolated residence, x being self employed able to hide income/assets, as well as many other rare factors & circumstances. She said even if he lies & attempts to manipulate, he didn't have a chance with a judge considering all the factual evidence against him relating to physical, emotional, financial & additional abuses over the last 3 yrs., & which still continues indirectly.

The bad news...the crimes he's committed against me are considered of such cruelty & neglect, arrogance with ignoring ALL court orders...the judge could put him in jail. I've never been the reason anyone has went to jail, let alone my kids' dad. This is only the first step in a process, but it's going to be difficult. I know it's what I have to stop once & for all...the bullying, indirect abuse, disrespect for me as a human being, taking advantage of & using me, etc.. He knows my heart isn't a mean or vindictive natured one, and he took advantage of that too. :(

Putting him in jail doesn't help me receive court awarded investment compensation, but it's also possible the judge could as a result of his non compliance, award me full ownership & equity of the house & land. If that happens, I will be able to drop the price encouraging a quicker sale...he won't have the legal owner rights to prevent me from dropping the price, which he does now have & refuses to drop the price, regardless of risks to himself...not just risks to 'me'.