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Thread: looking ahead to indy

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jan 2010

    Default looking ahead to indy

    run run run run run run run

    and keep peyton manning off the field

    my expert opinion

  2. #11
    Member Since
    Feb 2009


    It's very nice to see such optimism for our Chiefs, rather than not.

    Not meaning to gloat, honestly...but I predicted we'd draft Eric Berry against a majority, and we did. I predicted we'd be 3-0 at this point, and we are. I'm putting my neck on the chopping block further...predicting we will indeed win in Indy, and advance to 4-0!! YEEHAW!! :)

    My predictions for drafting Berry were based upon research, history, logic & reason...trying to put myself in the shoes of Pioli, thinking as he would as a GM from a winning, profit, & fan draw aspect...all of which the Chiefs Organization was in most desperate need of. My prediction for us being 3-0 was also based upon logic & reason, as well, paying close attention to details overlooked by the media especially....noting that our beloved Chiefs in 2009 had an under estimated & under recognized talent & ability masked by last seasons record. All we needed was the right mix of coaching, a talented rookie draft, few holes filled during the off season. I threw a bit of blind faith & love in the mix too, & a gut hunch, hahaha. I'm predicting we beat Indy based upon the same method.

    GO CHIEFS!!!! 4-0!!! Soon to be!! YEEHAW!

    "Official Chiefs Crowd / Historian/Correspondent / Ambassador"

    "The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall. The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it." ~Vince Lombardi~

  3. #12
    Member Since
    Feb 2004


    The best way to neautralize the pass rush of freeney and mathis is to be successful at running the ball. I agree with other posters that the only way to beat manning is to keep him on the sideline. I would expect run, run, and more run to be the gameplan. Romeo has faced peyton several times while in new england and cleveland. I would expect us to slow him down a little, but they will score points.
    We should win the special teams battle. I think this game could be won if we win the turnover battle. Protect the ball, burn the clock, and hope to have a chance at the end. Very similar to how the Jets played the Colts last year.
    Colts D is swiss cheese. Houston ran all over them. Kyle Orton threw for 450± yards against them. We have a shot to beat this team. Chiefs Will!

    Posted from my BlackBerry, PM me for Details

  4. #13
    Member Since
    Sep 2010

    Default indy

    I live in KC and have always rooted for the Chiefs, through thick and thin. I do however find it funny how all these people think because the chiefs have had 1 good game, against a mediocre team, that was 0-2 when we faced them, all of a sudden think they are a team of the same caliber of the colts or the patriots. I love my home team, and will root for them, but I fear that the outcome will not be good for us. We have not faced a team with such an explosive offense like theirs. Their running game could use work, yes, but their passing game is undeniably, one of the best. Our secondary will be put to the test, as well as our O-line. I do not know how they plan on containing Manning. He is known for picking defenses apart and making plays that count. I just hope that Haley has a game plan, and we do somehow some way, defeat Indy. Go CHiefs!

  5. #14
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas


    Quote Originally Posted by xtremeNFLfan View Post
    I live in KC and have always rooted for the Chiefs, through thick and thin. I do however find it funny how all these people think because the chiefs have had 1 good game, against a mediocre team, that was 0-2 when we faced them, all of a sudden think they are a team of the same caliber of the colts or the patriots. I love my home team, and will root for them, but I fear that the outcome will not be good for us. We have not faced a team with such an explosive offense like theirs. Their running game could use work, yes, but their passing game is undeniably, one of the best. Our secondary will be put to the test, as well as our O-line. I do not know how they plan on containing Manning. He is known for picking defenses apart and making plays that count. I just hope that Haley has a game plan, and we do somehow some way, defeat Indy. Go CHiefs!
    I agree, Manning gets rid of the ball entirely to quick to think that we can get to him with just a three or even four down lineman rush. In order to get to Manning and rattle his cage we are going to have to blitz early and often while doing a good job of disguising the blitz, or Manning will burn us good. IMO.
    Last edited by Chiefster; 09-29-2010 at 01:58 PM.

  6. #15
    Member Since
    Nov 2007
    Lake Ozark, MO


    Quote Originally Posted by #58ChiefsFan View Post
    X factor for this game - ROMEO

    absolutey. he has peyton's number. or at least he had peyton's number.

  7. #16
    Member Since
    Jan 2009
    Jefferson City, Mo


    we CAN win this game!

    run run run and keep peyton on the bench.

    I have faith that the coaching staff will have a good gameplan.

  8. #17
    Member Since
    Oct 2007


    we absolutely need to do a excellent job of desguising and executing our blitz packages, Peyton is a genies at reaing defense and blitz's.
    Run the ball down thier throats and a mix of passes..equals win..

  9. #18
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas


    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_Angler View Post
    we absolutely need to do a excellent job of desguising and executing our blitz packages, Peyton is a genies at reaing defense and blitz's.
    Run the ball down thier throats and a mix of passes..equals win..
    Works for me!

  10. #19
    Member Since
    Sep 2008


    If we come in with a blitz then it's essential for the corners to press and take away the inside short slants..Thats Peyton's bread and butter hot read almost every time a blitz is brought in. There should be no reason for our young safties to bite on play action since the Colt's running game is below average..No deep bombs please!! Run the ball and keep Manning on the Bench and we have a good chance..Romeo seems to have Peyton's number when it comes to getting him off his game..

  11. #20
    Member Since
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by xtremeNFLfan View Post
    I live in KC and have always rooted for the Chiefs, through thick and thin. I do however find it funny how all these people think because the chiefs have had 1 good game, against a mediocre team, that was 0-2 when we faced them, all of a sudden think they are a team of the same caliber of the colts or the patriots. I love my home team, and will root for them, but I fear that the outcome will not be good for us. We have not faced a team with such an explosive offense like theirs. Their running game could use work, yes, but their passing game is undeniably, one of the best. Our secondary will be put to the test, as well as our O-line. I do not know how they plan on containing Manning. He is known for picking defenses apart and making plays that count. I just hope that Haley has a game plan, and we do somehow some way, defeat Indy. Go CHiefs!
    Well, just for my own sake I want to clarify, that I for one...have not had faith in my Chiefs based upon one good game, nor even all three wins this season. Rather, my posting history shall reveal, that I've had undeniable faith in my Chiefs each and every game, as well as season. Until they lose a game, I believe they will win the game, regardless of any logic, record, or stats, etc...related to the Chiefs or the opponent.

    Call it blind love or faith in my Chiefs, is what it is, always has been, and will never change. Until I see with my own eyes Indy wins...I say the Chiefs will win. YEEHAW! GO CHIEFS!! Soon to be 4-0!!

    "Official Chiefs Crowd / Historian/Correspondent / Ambassador"

    "The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall. The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it." ~Vince Lombardi~

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