I couldn't find my post I wrote about him a while back...and Don't really want to get back into it . but

As I said a while ago, I expected this to happen, and I don't mind it..Quinn has never really gotten a shot, and hasn't even started an entire season yet!

I think when I did my research on him he has played 8 TOTAL GAMES (had some injuries that put him on IR twice, one season he only missed the final game of the sason, and was traded to Denver after that, actually left of on a good foot by beating the Steelers, and Chiefs, almost beat the Broncos but the Browns D gave up a lead, and he Torched the Lions but they lost the game), and I think his record as a starter is 3-5....

You can't honestly say that if we had a rookie QB have a 3-5 record halfway through a season with the talent the Browns had back then that it would be a disapointment.

Just saying...Crennel was the coach that drafted him, and there was a reason he was a 1st round pick... Not saying he is our savior, but I do think he is better than what is available at this point...and with someone to back him, and talent around him could probably be a decent starter