I felt great after the first series ended in a score, Oh Boy Raider Stomping here we come. That team left the field, and didn't return until the last series in the fourth quarter. In the meantime between the two appearances I moaned and groaned and bit off all my nails, and thought I would be posting sadly about the horrible loss to the Faiders, But Guess What, They came through, and we didn't lose, and although I am nailess, I can Shout WE WON 17 TO 13, WAY TO GO CHIEFS, I know it wasn't a pretty picture but it sure beats sobbing "we lost 13 to 10". SO I AM GOING TO ENJOY THE VICYORY, WE WON!
Later is enough time to disect the game, for now I am going to bask in a victory over the Faiders!

GO CHIEFS :hammer: Denver!!

8-) :pint: