It is official, this site has become boring. People have lost their sense of humor, certain members do nothing more than fight and bicker with others constantly, hardly anybody posts anymore.

Its sad, because i truly like this site, but if it continues at this pace, there is going to be very minimal quality posters any more. Ever since a certain member has started fighting with everyone, the site has taken a huge turn for the worse.

So what happens from here? Do we keep up the fighting and bickering until everyone is so annoyed that they don't want to post here because they dont wanna deal with certain people.

Do we change our attitudes, start relaxing, having a sense of humor, and having fun again?

Do we strictly just talk Chiefs football, and take out the locker room?

I only write this because i like this site a whole lot, but anymore its just not that fun. Maybe it will pick up when the season starts, but this is just getting pathetic.