Lol im not a vick fan or anything but damn why does everyone want to hold his past against him. He has proven to have learned from his mistakes in his life. Everyone deserves a second chance and hes been good sense. Everyone that wants to judge him for his past get over yourself. Your no saint yourself. That being said id pass on him as our qb due to he is past his prime. Just irks me when i see people call him pos like who are they to judge.nobodies a saint. He paid his dues and hes a better man from it. If u want to blame anykne blame his parents. He was raised in it. Not his fault for being born into it. Lordy chief if u stop riot the chiefs just cuz they get vick cuz u wanna judge then theres the door dont let it hit u in the ***. Again im not a vick fan but still he deserves to move on from his mistakes. I bet hes donated money to people and helped more people then any of us have put together. So hes prolly done more good then evil is what im trying to say. Just give the man a break and let it go. Im going to **** up now cuz im sure i upset someone by defending him.