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I have to admit to being a novice on message boards. I’m not sure how to link it, but it was in the Cincinnati Enquirer sports section for 9/7/06. I know that you can read the Enquirer on line, but I don’t know whether the story would be in the on-line version or not.

They were rightfully very complimentary to Green, and Palmer indicated that it meant a lot to him. Even more telling of the class that Green has, it was Green who apparently reached out to Palmer.

Just 2 more days until the fun begins.

Chiefster wrote:

Guru wrote:

3777 wrote:
It should be a great game. The noise level generated by almost 80,000 die hard, knowledgable fans, is hard to quanitfy, but the weapons on the Bengals offense are numerous. I’m primarily concerned about Gonzalez and LJ of course, but I do think the Bengals have made sufficient improvement on their D to be an average NFL defense this year instead of the doormat they were in the past.

I also have to give kc props for Trent Green. Nice articles today in the Cincinnati Enquirer concerning Green’s relationship with Carson Palmer and how encouraging he has been. Nice to know that there are some true class acts out there like Green.

Here’s to a great game on Sunday (with the Bengals winning of course!)

I thought that was downright awesome of Trent to do that.


Chiefs Merchandise Sale!