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Chiefster wrote:

kenny1937 wrote:
Just so that you will be more accurate in future post’s. I no longer drink Dr. Pepper, I drink Root Beer Float Blends.
I am also enrolling in Jenny Graig, for a more rounded personality. Just want to give the Facts, just the facts sir.

GO CHIEF’S :hammer: The Chargers!

8-) 😆 :pint:

This speaks volumes. :-D

Aww Shucks, twernt nuthin, I is always makin grate statements, ise likes to shews me entelligence, hee, hee, ise gradeated wis Jefthrow Bodine outs of these here third grade. Ise hopes that ise isn’t shewings offs to much.

GO CHIEF’S :hammer: The Chargers!

8-) 😆 :pint:

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!