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Chiefster wrote:

kenny1937 wrote:

Aww Shucks, twernt nuthin, I is always makin grate statements, ise likes to shews me entelligence, hee, hee, ise gradeated wis Jefthrow Bodine outs of these here third grade. Ise hopes that ise isn’t shewings offs to much.

GO CHIEF’S :hammer: The Chargers!

8-) 😆 :pint:

I wonder if Jethro wold catch the relationship between the words “rounded” and “volume”.

Now lookee heres youse goofees reednicks, youse quits makin funs of mes and Jefthrow, jus becas yous gradeated the six gredes, don givs youse the rights too meks funs of us, wes knows youse is talkens abots spacy, jus youse comes arounds ands wes wills stuffs youse intos volumes.

GO CHIEF’S :hammer: The Chargers!!

8-) 😆 :pint:

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!