This game is not about I loose a bet or I have to change my avatar for a Faiders one on twitter.

This game showed that most of those players on Red and Gold don’t deserve US!

They got a week to show improvement and there where NO at all.

Hard Workin’ people form KC that spends money and time supporting CHIEFS deserve better!

Chiefs fans around the world deserve better!

In any company around the world if you don’t deliver it you got fired isn’t?

This isn’t anymore about just "FIRE PIOLI-BECH CASSEL" …

Today Im the ONE who feels sick and disgusting

They are NOT at least a competitive team.

Chiefs owns one of the best and most loyal fans around the NFL.

In exchange season after season we get a LAME product.

This is not anymore Loyal Fans vs Save Our Chiefs fans

We need to make a common union as ONE .. and show Owner that WE DEMAND a BETTER PRODUCT!

And YES fire EGOLI … he’s the apple who rotten the whole others!

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!