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    Shoot! I thought I posted Chap. 4 at Chiefs Crowd, but don’t see it, guess I didn’t. Here ya go TS & others following! Thanks! I’m posting in two posts due to length. :)

    Kid Rock’s Chillin The Most Cruise – Chapter 4 – Day Two, Friday

    Arlene and I began Friday aboard the ship with eating breakfast in the ships most popular cafeteria among cruisers. The food aboard the ship was great, it was fresh with an overwhelming variety to choose from, and in over abundance! There were many restaurants on the ship, but the general cafeteria seemed to be the dining preference of most. I ate more in four days than I think I have eaten in four months! Although, I thoroughly enjoyed dining on the cruise, I was also miserable from eating more than I’m accustom to! By Saturday the bloaties began to make my tummy uncomfortable and I wasn’t able to eat as much as the previous days, but still took advantage of the wonderful food. I rarely have an opportunity to dine out at home, so intended to make the most of an opportunity on the ship…and I did! Many told me prior to the cruise that gaining weight while on a cruise is typical…well, any weight I gained has disappeared with less food available to eat, haha. With all the walking and dancing I did over 5 days, I likely burned off all consumed, haha.

    After eating breakfast we hung around the Lido Deck for bit, then made our way to the Candlelight Lounge around noon to participate in playing Bingo with Uncle Kracker and his band as hosts. The Bingo sheets cost $20 per sheet, but there were three Bingo game blocks per sheet, so three chances to win per sheet. Arlene and I bought one sheet as most did. Uncle Kracker hosting Bingo was a popular event among cruisers, as the Lounge and surrounding outer lobby areas were literally packed full. Kracker and those on stage with him took turns calling out the numbers, and we played four rounds of Bingo. Prizes varied…there was $100 ships credit for one game, $200 for a second game, and the grand finale game prize was a guitar autographed by all artists and band member’s aboard the cruise, including Kid Rock & TBT.

    I’ve never been lucky at Bingo or similar games, and this time was no exception, not once coming close to having a Bingo, haha. Arlene’s luck was as bad as mine, but we had fun and that’s what it’s all about folks! Below is a photo, that cruise organizer Sixthman’s photographer took of Arlene and I while attending Bingo with Uncle Kracker and his band.

    After Bingo we returned to the Lido Deck where the men’s wet t-shirt contest was beginning. The contest was more for fun than merit it appeared, haha. Kid Rock’s ‘So Hott Sister’s’ hosted the men’s wet t-shirt contest and were preliminary judges. The ‘So Hott Sister’s’ chose four finalists, of which then participated in a dance off before the crowd of spectator’s. The finalist who received the loudest crowd cheer’s and applause was declared the winner. The dance off took place on a narrow wooden bench of which bridged the center of the Lido Deck’s swimming pool. The men certainly did well with not losing their balance and falling into the pool, though there were a couple of fun close calls, haha. A couple of the men included humorous dives into the pool as a grand finale to their dance off performance, haha. Below are photo’s I took of the men’s wet t-shirt contest.

    Following the Men’s Wet T-Shirt Contest, we hung out on the Lido Deck. The background music was all Kid Rock & TBT, YEEHAW! At some point I heard the intro to Bawitdaba and prepared myself for what I knew was to come…my headbanging, hahaha. I only headbang to Bawitdaba, and I swear it’s a natural instinct of which sometimes is difficult to resist the urge once I begin to ‘feel’ the music, haha. Apparently my headbanging is entertaining, as not many do it these days, nor as I do, haha…so I was told there were photo’s of me being taken while headbanging, but I’ve not seen any as of yet. When I stopped headbanging a gal with a video camera approached me and asked me to do it again so she could record it, hahaha. Another gal came up to me and warned me not to do it again, worried I might injure my neck. I assured her I had been headbanging to Bawitdaba for a decade, and my neck would be fine, as it was accustom to it, haha. Bawitdaba either was still playing, or began again…as I fulfilled the video request and once again began headbanging, HA! The gal who recorded me I ran into a few times on the ship, including later that night when she was dressed in her ‘Ho’ costume, of which I’ve included a photo of her below. She said she would try to get her video of my headbanging to me at some point, if so, I will then share it with you.

    Around 5 PM we went to our cabin to change into our Flip Cup Team Shirts, the contest was to begin around 6 PM. My dear friends Becky and Gene were our team captains, and they graciously provided our custom designed team shirts. They had the shirts screen printed back home in Pennsylvania prior to the cruise, and were very cool shirts. The Flip Cup Contest had 32 teams, each team had six members, and a team name. Our team included Gene, Becky, me, Ricky, Donny, and Chele…all of us becoming friends years ago through Kid Rock’s former fan club KRAA circa 2003-2006. Arlene said she doesn’t drink beer, so she declared herself our official team cheerleader. Our team name was “Three Sheets To The Wind”…in honor of Kid Rock’s song written during his old skool Rap/Hip Hop years, prior to his major recording deal with Atlantic Records.

    We didn’t do so well, haha…our team was knocked out in the first round of elimination. I was the 6th and last member of our teams relay line, and I did not get a turn to drink the beer in my cup, as we were eliminated during our 5th team member’s turn, but I drank the beer in my cup to celebrate our elimination! HA! We created some fun memories, win or lose, the memories are what it’s all about y’all!

    The Flip Cup Contest was hosted by The John Stone Band. Prior to the contest beginning the John Stone Band and members of Sixthman’s staff held a couple of demonstration Flip Cup competitions, going up against one another. Each time John Stone and his band kicked butt, hahaha. They were pretty excited to win, and below are some photo’s of which include John Stone giving high fives after his teams victory. John Stone was much fun as a host, he’s a cool dude, and it was obvious throughout the cruise he was very appreciative to be a part of Kid Rock’s CTMC, enjoying himself having a great time. I hope The John Stone Band will be aboard next year’s CTMC.

    Following the Flip Cup Competition we ate dinner, then returned to our cabin to change clothes to attend Uncle Krackers concert to be held on the Lido Deck Stage Friday night at 9:30 PM. Friday night was also the ‘Pimp N Ho’s’ costume theme night, of which I have included photo’s below of some awesome costumes. I made the decision prior to the cruise not to dress in costume Friday night, as with our participation in the Flip Cup Contest, not knowing how long it would last, did not feel it was feasible to be dressed in costume for a beer drinking relay race. As well, I worried I might fall on my butt in stiletto’s, having never worn such, and with considering the ships jointed decking, of which at times was also slippery from pool and ocean air dampness. I did see a few gals in heels fall Friday night while walking or dancing on the Lido Deck, though none appeared to be injured badly, likely woke the next morning sore and bruised however.

    Chapter 4 continued in next post…

    This photo was taken by official cruise photographer Will Byington…of Arlene and I playing Bingo with Uncle Kracker and his band as hosts in the Candlelight Lounge. It was one of many official cruise photo’s that appeared on the ships TV’s dedicated Sixthman Kid Rock Cruise Channel. Many interior areas of the ship were chilly, the air conditioning works too well, haha…the reason for our jackets.


    Kid Rock So Hott Sisters hosting the Men’s Wet T-Shirt Contest around the Lido Deck’s Pool.


    The four finalists of the Men’s Wet T-Shirt Contest, preparing to dance off for the win, on the pools narrow wood bench seat, haha.


    A finalist of the Men’s Wet T-Shirt contest incorporating push-ups into his dance routine, haha.


    The John Stone Band and Sixthman Staff competing against each other in a demonstration of how to play ‘Flip Cup’.


    John Stone high-fiving cruisers after he and his band won a demonstration Flip Cup relay race against the Sixthman Staff team, haha.


    A photo of our Flip Cup team taken by official cruise photographer Will Byington, thanks Will! I swear I don’t remember sticking my tongue out for this pic, but obviously I did! LOL The strawberry dauquri’s earlier were yummy, and think they contributed to me sticking out my tongue in jest, hahaha.


    The native Detroit Flip Cup team was the crowds favorite…this is after they won one round, but sadly they finished in 2nd place overall.


    I’ll continue photo’s related to this chapter in the post below, since I can only enter 10 per post, haha. :)


    Continued…Kid Rock’s Chillin The Most Cruise – Chapter 4 – Day Two, Friday

    Kid Rock & TBT’s first reserved seating show in the Paris Lounge was Friday night at 10 PM, but our tickets were for the second show on Saturday night, which allowed us the opportunity to attend Uncle Krackers Friday night show at 9:30 on the Lido Deck. Uncle Kracker’s Friday night performance was the first time I had attended a Kracker concert. As many know, Uncle Kracker and Kid Rock are very close friends of many years, prior to either achieving recording artist success and fame. Kracker began his musical career along side of Kid Rock, co-writing songs with Kid Rock, and as a member of Kid Rock’s band TBT…he was once the DJ on tables, prior to pursuing his own solo artist career, which is when Paradime joined TBT replacing Kracker in the band. Although I do own a couple of Uncle Kracker’s CD’s, including his latest, his music style is not my preference by comparison to that of Kid Rock’s…so I am not the level of Kracker fan that I am a Kid Rock fan. That said however, Kracker’s CD’s do not do his live voice or stage performance justice. He put on a great show, of which I enjoyed very much. I watched Kracker perform a second time on the Lido Deck Stage after returning to the boat from the island late Saturday.

    The Lido Deck became more crowded with partying cruisers who had attended Kid & TBT’s Friday night show, once that show was over around midnight or so. Paradime had double duty Friday night…first doing his part as a member of TBT on stage with Kid Rock in the Paris Lounge, then once that show ended he was the DJ and host for a Dance Contest held on the Lido Deck. The Dance Contest began later than scheduled, around 1 AM. I had planned to participate in the Dance Contest, as I love to dance, and entered many contests in my younger day, but by 1 AM I had almost talked myself out of participating, allowing intimidation to take over I suppose, and my alcohol consumption was not enough to let loose so to speak, haha. One of Sixthmans staff co-hosted the contest, and he would point to someone in the crowd dancing near the stage, then motion for them to come onto the stage and dance for the crowd of spectators. The contest began with one person being motioned to the stage at a time, and being told they had 20 seconds to dance on the stage, prior to his calling another contestant onto the stage. I was among the first he pointed to and motioned for me to come on to the stage. Once the contest began the music and energy eliminated my feeling intimidated, so I decided what the heck, it’s all in fun any way, haha.

    As I climbed the steps to go on stage I felt my right knee pop a couple of times. I did not heed the warnings my knee sent, and went on stage to dance my 20 seconds regardless, haha. I had injured my knee New Years Eve, and had not allowed it to heal properly since, so it would give me a bit of trouble now and then when overdoing it…such as doing chores at home prior to leaving for Tampa, no sleep the 24 hrs. prior, much airport walking with a layover in Houston and in Tampa, followed by more walking and dancing related to pre-parties, walking to the port Thursday, then all the walking and dancing aboard the ship Thursday and Friday. My vulnerable knee retailiated as I went up the steps to the Lido Deck Stage. Once on stage there was a cord I believe it was, stretched across the stage of which I was dancing over. Although I did not lose my balance, when the heels of my cowboy boots would step on the cord it caused an uneven twist of my foot and leg so to speak, of which led to a sharp pain in my now sensitive knee. My stubborness did not allow the pain to stop or hinder my dance efforts however, hahaha.

    Within minutes of leaving the stage…I knew my knee was in some trouble, the pain was intense…I popped 4 Ibuprofen, then continued as a spectator watching the dance contestants. There was a very pretty gal who was called to the stage right after I was, she was dressed in a white outfit. I had noticed this same girl Wednesday night while at the Hot Tuna in Tampa…she was dancing there as well. I noticed her in particular because she is one of the best dancers I have seen during my years of dancing, unforgettable, her body naturally in rythym feeling the music. I recognized her from the Hot Tuna when she went on to the Lido Deck stage, and she was very impressive dancing on stage as well, as I knew she would be. Unfortnately not long after she had her turn on stage dancing, control of the contest was lost. Many in the crowd began going onto the stage at once without necessarily being motioned to do so, and it all became somewhat confusing and disorganized.

    About 30 minutes into the contest, and likely 50-100 stage contestants later…in an effort to re-gain some control and bring the contest to an end, the Sixthman co-host told all to leave the stage. He announced he would choose four finalists, of whom he re-called to the stage to perform before the crowd of spectators…the crowds applause and cheers to decide the winner. I would imagine with all the confusion and loss of control, multiple contestants on stage at once, that those contestants who were among the first were lost in memory of an impressive dance performance deserving of becoming a finalist, and the gal in white was not re-called to the stage. I was very disappointed, as there was no doubt she was among the very best. I saw her in the crowd, and I approached telling her how impressive of a dancer she is, and of my disappointment that she was not re-called to the stage. She is a very sweet gal of good sportsmanship, and though she was not declared a finalist, she did not let it affect her negatively. There were some of whom took the contest seriously, and they verbally made it known they were a bit upset at not being re-called to the stage, or their friends being re-called…whether they deserved to be or not, hahaha.

    I was told there are photo’s and a video of me circulating while on stage dancing circulating, but as of yet I’ve not come across any, if I do I will share for sh*t’s and giggles no doubt, haha. Nah, I did well, even in pain…based upon crowd revue and comments such as I ROCKED IT! HA! I love to dance, and pain rarely stops me, but I knew better than to push it, so was done for the night not returning to the stage a second time.

    Of the four re-called to the stage, they were among the very last dancing together on stage…one in particular, a gal whose name I was told is ‘Queenie’…was also an extremely talented and impressive dancer. In my opinion, the two contestants deserving of being finalists were the gal in white and ‘Queenie’. Two of the finalists were quite popular related to their revealing ‘Ho’ costumes, rather than impressive dancing ability, hahaha, but the crowd prevailed with honor as their applause and cheers declared ‘Queenie’ the dance contest winner, of which she very much deserved to be the winner. Upon returning home, the girl in white of whose dancing impressed me at the Hot Tuna and during the cruise contest, came across my profile on Facebook and sent me a friends request, and it was then I learned her name. My fellow Kid Rock Cruise and impressive dancing friend name is ‘Dee’. It’s truly a privilege to have met her and become friends…though I don’t know her well, I know enough to know she has a beautiful spirit to go along with her outer beauty.

    We hung around the Lido Deck I believe until at least 3 AM or so following the Dance Contest, haha. Our group hanging out somewhat together at tables included at various times…Ricky, Donny, Chelsea & her hubby, Lady Viper aka Susan & her hubby, etc.. At some point a mutual friend brought Kid Rock & TBT guitarist Aaron Julison over to where I was sitting, to introduce us formerly. We’re Facebook friends, have met before, but not formerly so to speak. My thoughtful Kid Rockin friend Chelsea was sitting at a nearby table noticing Aaron & I chatting, she came over and offered to take a photo of Aaron and I. I hestitated, telling Aaron a photo with him was not necessary, and that I did not want to impose on his simply hanging out enjoying himself, nor break any rules by imposing upon the artists, hahaha. Aaron laughed, assuring me that he would enjoy taking a photo, then telling me not to worry about breaking rules as he continued laughing. Chelsea then took our photo, and I’ve included it below. I’m grateful Chelsea came over and suggested taking the photo, because otherwise it would not exist, as I would not have initiated taking a photo with Aaron on my own, and it’s a photo capturing yet another priceless cruise memory.

    While partying Friday night on the Lido Deck I ran into Jay Aarons, a fellow loyal Kid Rock and Facebook friend. Jay was also at the Hot Tuna on Wednesday night in Tampa, but he too had many people recognize and approach him introducing themselves, both of us being a bit busy Wednesday night never did chat, so I was glad we had the opportunity again on Friday night of the cruise to run into one another. Jay has a great personality, is much fun to chat & party with, as well as his enthusiasm for Kid Rock & TBT’s music is as much so as mine. Below is a photo of Jay and I having fun Friday night on the Lido Deck.

    In case I’ve not previously mentioned it I will do so now…the Strawberry Daiquiri’s on the ship were very yummy, made from fresh strawberries, which is the only time I will drink Strawberry Daiguiri’s, haha. My taste buds throw tantrums when I attempt to drink a daiguiri made from imitation or processed mixes, lol. The frozen daiquiri’s were also soothing to my irritated throat, of which I think the damp sea air contributed to, combined with yelling “we’re on a boat MFer’s!” each time Kid Rock initiated our doing so, which must have been over 100 times, during the cruise, haha. Thank you to each person who contributed to cooling my throat, and no doubt fun on Friday night, with your complimentary Strawberry Daiguiri’s, haha. They were appreciated, guaranteed! HA!

    Chapter 5 will tell my story cruise experiences on day 3, Saturday, Port Day. Chapter 6 will be of memories occurring after returning to the ship from the island, late Saturday afternoon & night…which will include some of my most emotional and priceless memories of. One in particular will be difficult for me to write about, but it’s too priceless of a cherished memory to omit. Chapter 6 will also include how it came to be that Kid Rock put his initials on my chest in sharpie, hahaha.

    This is the fellow cruiser who asked to record me on Friday afternoon as I was headbanging to Kid Rock & TBT’s song Bawitdaba. I ran into her later early evening dressed in her ‘Ho’ theme costume.


    My sweet Michigan friend Chelsea and her hubby in their Pimp N Ho costumes Friday night!


    This was one of, if not my favorite Pimp costume worn Friday night! Awesome Pimp with an awesome pimpin personality to go along with his costume! I have many more photo’s of cruisers in their Pimp N Ho costumes in my related Facebook Cruise Photo Album…there are too many great one’s to post corresponding with this story, so please take a look at my albums if ya want to see some great costumes!


    My friend Jay and me enjoying the party on the Lido Deck Friday night.


    Friday night many of the ships crew joined our party on the Lido Deck, haha! They seemed to especially enjoy the ladies in some of their ‘Ho’ costumes, haha. This is me and a couple of ships crew members Friday night.


    I saved the best photo for last to end Chapter 4’s corresponding photo’s! haha This is the photo of Aaron Julison and I suggested and taken by my friend Chelsea, of which I’m so grateful to her for. It’s definitely a cherished photo and memory as such of the cruise. :)



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