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    I was thinking of ways we could maybe generate more activity at Chiefs Crowd during the off season and current lockout. I have a Dallas Texans Riddell throwback mini helmet autographed by Len Dawson, that I would like to offer up as a prize to the winner of a Chiefs Crowd contest.

    The contest idea would need to be one that will inspire more frequent activity by members, & possibly related to a members participation/activity somehow. Any contest ideas, suggestions, or general thoughts about a contest to inspire more participation during this slow time?

    We could have Chiefs trivia on a couple certain days weekly…the first member to respond correctly get’s points, then at the end of a 30 day cycle the person with the most points win’s the mini helmet? The negative aspect I see with an online trivia though is it would have to be on an honor system, no way to prevent someone from Googling the answers. Not that Chiefs Crowd members aren’t honest, hahaha…just sayin based upon experience when we played trivia every Friday night at Kid Rock’s website during it’s slow time, which was typically winter, no tours. Some members admitted to Googling, but they were honest with admitting they Googled, lol.

    We could have mini contests within the main contest…give points for each mini contest won, the member again with the most points in a 30 day cycle winning. Example: we could have a mini contest asking members to submit their funniest or most embarrassing moment attending a Chiefs game…members would then vote on which members memory is the funniest. Another would be to ask members to submit their funniest tailgating photo, or most awesome game photo, and so on?

    Just thinking out loud here…


      Great idea Connie! As for the trivia contest, I personally do not have a problem with “googling” answers. What we could do, if you wanted to do trivia, is to close the trivia thread until an undisclosed time of day and then open it up for an hour or two. People would have to be online to catch the thread while it is open. Of course this would probably work better Fri-Sun because people have to work throughout the week; but, like you, I’m just thinking out loud so to speak.


      Bring back the Post of the Month Contest!! I almost have 13 000 posts and Ive still never won the damn thing!!

        Canada;230001 wrote:
        Bring back the Post of the Month Contest!! I almost have 13 000 posts and Ive still never won the damn thing!!

        Post of the month nominee right there! 😆

        Canada;230001 wrote:
        Bring back the Post of the Month Contest!! I almost have 13 000 posts and Ive still never won the damn thing!!

        I have a few post in my resume, maybe one of them is better than yours! I want the damm award!:11:


        Here is a Chiefs Crowd Member trivia question for you. What does the spotter now own? It is a gift from my favorite oldest daughter, wiski girl. :blindref:


        Chiefster…would you mind establishing the contest rules & time frame for Trivia then? I’ll come up with the Triva questions, since I won’t be participating in the actual contest trying to win, lol. What about promoting the contest to Chiefs Crowd members? I don’t have a clue how to do something like that, and the point is to increase membership activity, so somehow we would need to let members know…wouldn’t we?

        PS edit: I assume Coach is okay with our doing this? :/

        tornadospotter;230023 wrote:
        Here is a Chiefs Crowd Member trivia question for you. What does the spotter now own? It is a gift from my favorite oldest daughter, wiski girl. :blindref:

        A full size regulation KC Chiefs helmet autographed by Len Dawson!! hahaha ;)

        Connie Jo;230034 wrote:
        Chiefster…would you mind establishing the contest rules & time frame for Trivia then? I’ll come up with the Triva questions, since I won’t be participating in the actual contest trying to win, lol. What about promoting the contest to Chiefs Crowd members? I don’t have a clue how to do something like that, and the point is to increase membership activity, so somehow we would need to let members know…wouldn’t we?

        PS edit: I assume Coach is okay with our doing this? :/

        Who cares what Coach likes? This isnt his site anymore!!

        tornadospotter;230023 wrote:
        Here is a Chiefs Crowd Member trivia question for you. What does the spotter now own? It is a gift from my favorite oldest daughter, wiski girl. :blindref:

        A Chiefs helment?

        Connie Jo;230035 wrote:
        A full size regulation KC Chiefs helmet autographed by Len Dawson!! hahaha ;)

        DING, DING, DING! Winner, Winner, I will send you a million in arrowcash! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

        I have a great daughter!

          Connie Jo;230034 wrote:
          Chiefster…would you mind establishing the contest rules & time frame for Trivia then? I’ll come up with the Triva questions, since I won’t be participating in the actual contest trying to win, lol. What about promoting the contest to Chiefs Crowd members? I don’t have a clue how to do something like that, and the point is to increase membership activity, so somehow we would need to let members know…wouldn’t we?

          PS edit: I assume Coach is okay with our doing this? :/

          Well, I won’t propose to speak for Coach, but can’t imagine him having a problem with it; I’m sure he will mention it to me and the other mods if he does. As far as trivia rules go I think it’s best to keep them simple. Something in the way of the following:

          1. A trivia thread will be started by you (Connie Jo), who will MC the contest since you are generously putting up the prize.

          2. The answer for said trivia question/s can be derived by any means at members disposal.

          3. The trivia thread will be opened up for a short time at random intervals throughout the week. If the question is not correctly answered in the given interval then the trivia question will be changed, another question added or winner determined by whoever answers the most trivia questions correctly over a given time/date frame.

          These rules are just me spit-balling. :D

          I think a good time for the contest to run is until there is football or whoever wins the contest as provided by whatever rules you think are best.

          Chiefster;230059 wrote:
          Well, I won’t propose to speak for Coach, but can’t imagine him having a problem with it; I’m sure he will mention it to me and the other mods if he does. As far as trivia rules go I think it’s best to keep them simple. Something in the way of the following:

          1. A trivia thread will be started by you (Connie Jo), who will MC the contest since you are generously putting up the prize.

          2. The answer for said trivia question/s can be derived by any means at members disposal.

          3. The trivia thread will be opened up for a short time at random intervals throughout the week. If the question is not correctly answered in the given interval then the trivia question will be changed, another question added or winner determined by whoever answers the most trivia questions correctly over a given time/date frame.

          These rules are just me spit-balling. :D

          I think a good time for the contest to run is until there is football or whoever wins the contest as provided by whatever rules you think are best.

          I’m good at coming up with ideas, but not contest rules and format, which is why I hoped you’d do that part for me, LOL. Whatever you think works best works for me as far as game rules, timespan, all that. Would I start a thread here in the Locker Room? Also…any suggestions as to letting members know about the contest in advance of it beginning, so in fairness to all they can participate if wanting to?

          Chiefster;230059 wrote:
          Well, I won’t propose to speak for Coach, but can’t imagine him having a problem with it; I’m sure he will mention it to me and the other mods if he does. As far as trivia rules go I think it’s best to keep them simple. Something in the way of the following:

          1. A trivia thread will be started by you (Connie Jo), who will MC the contest since you are generously putting up the prize.

          2. The answer for said trivia question/s can be derived by any means at members disposal.

          3. The trivia thread will be opened up for a short time at random intervals throughout the week. If the question is not correctly answered in the given interval then the trivia question will be changed, another question added or winner determined by whoever answers the most trivia questions correctly over a given time/date frame.

          These rules are just me spit-balling. :D

          I think a good time for the contest to run is until there is football or whoever wins the contest as provided by whatever rules you think are best.

          I would suggest more that one set of trivia questions, make us work for the answers, otherwise the contest will be over before all get a chance to play.

          Canada;230040 wrote:
          Who cares what Coach likes? This isnt his site anymore!!

          Huh? For real, or are you just kidding? :/

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