Last night when my dad came home from work (I was playing Modern Warfare 2 at the time) and said to me “I have a surprise for you”. All of a sudden I’m really excited but A little suspicious because just a day ago I got Modern Warfare 2. BUT when he showed my what the surprise was, I was ‘pleasantly’ surprised!
It was a book Called “Rich Eisen” (In big red letters, and the subtitle was “Total Access, A journey to the Center of the NFL Universe”! Under Rich Eisen’s name it had “Host of the NFL Network’s NFL Total Access“
It’s a big book, about 300 pages. And it’s quite up-to-date too. It was published in 2007. Not sure if it was before or during the 2007 season but It doesn’t really matter.
I’ll have photos up soon!
:bananen_smilies046: :chiefs: :punk: :yahoo: