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    Yesterday I was in Italian class (I only do Italian cos I have too, next year im not gonna learn another language) and our teacher Mrs Evangelinos (the teacher I hate most out of every single teacher I’ve EVER met!!!!) was as usual, angry at everyone for during the tiniest things wrong and then she a accused this girl of not doing her homework. Then the girl said “I was away Miss…”

    The teacher just stared into space for about 5 seconds. It was SOOOO funny at the time and I could see the faces of everyone in the class that they were about to burst out laughing. (If that happened that REALLY would’ve been the end of the world :D)
    😆 :yahoo:


    😆 That’s cool. I wonder how your teacher would have reacted had everyone started laughing.

    stricken721;179266 wrote:
    😆 That’s cool. I wonder how your teacher would have reacted had everyone started laughing.

    Badly, but that would’ve been seriously AWESOME!!!!!!!!


      I would have laughed then i would be sent to the principal yet again not that i spent any time with the principal I would never do that :D

      matthewschiefs;179279 wrote:
      I would have laughed then i would be sent to the principal yet again not that i spent any time with the principal I would never do that :D

      Yeah, at certain times it’s better to break out laughing at lunch!:D :bananen_smilies046:

      matthewschiefs;179279 wrote:
      I would have laughed then i would be sent to the principal yet again not that i spent any time with the principal I would never do that :D

      Me neither, I behaved at all 4 schools I got kicked out of!!

      Canada;179346 wrote:
      Me neither, I behaved at all 4 schools I got kicked out of!!


      That’s really too bad Aussie you have a negative teacher like that. It sure makes a class much less enjoyable and one’s ability to learn can be affected too. Shoot…your school year just started…how long will you have this teacher for…several months?


      Man, I have been called to the principal so many times, I am 44 and I STILL get called to the Principal’s office.

      Canada;179346 wrote:
      Me neither, I behaved at all 4 schools I got kicked out of!!


      Connie Jo;179349 wrote:

      That’s really too bad Aussie you have a negative teacher like that. It sure makes a class much less enjoyable and one’s ability to learn can be affected too. Shoot…your school year just started…how long will you have this teacher for…several months?

      Well I had her in Year 7 too and now im in year 8. I chose Italian over french to try and get away from her but now she’s teaching me italian! So I’ve got her for a 2nd year now. :(

      Hayvern;179355 wrote:
      Man, I have been called to the principal so many times, I am 44 and I STILL get called to the Principal’s office.


        Hayvern;179355 wrote:
        Man, I have been called to the principal so many times, I am 44 and I STILL get called to the Principal’s office.

        The principal got so used to seeing me sitting out in the hall way that he was concerned that I was skipping. 😆


        [ame=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eyJM-go7Bk”%5DYouTube- Cop Shoots Himself In Classroom[/ame]


        That would hurt. A LOT


        I got sent to the principal’s office once for doing something I didn’t do! A bunch of my girlfriends in high school were smoking in the bathroom. I was sitting on the floor, picked up a cig butt & started writing my boyfriends name in the ashes. In walks the gym teacher…7 of us escorted to the principal for smoking. I pleaded innocence explaining, but they didn’t believe me…cig butt in hand made me guilty, regardless.

        I also got suspended in the 5th grade for an after school fight on school grounds. Damn girl was a school bully, picked on many, including me. I took it & took it. One day after school let out she was walking behind me as we left the building, she started messing with my hair, flipping it up, pulling at it some, mouthing off.

        Shoot…I guess I had enough after weeks of tolerating, cause at some point without warning I turned around and popped her with my fist & knocked her down. I hit her hard enough I lost my balance swinging & fell too, then we went to fighting on the ground. I remember a teacher pulling me off of her and another teacher pulling her up from the ground. She started crying like she was the victim!! pffffff!

        We both got suspended, cause witness’ told the principal she started it messing with my hair & being mouthy…but they said I was guilty for not ignoring her taunting. I’m not a violent person by nature, and it took a lot to get me that mad! I did ignore her for weeks!

        She never bullied me again, in fact, she did her best to befriend me. My dad thankfully was on my side and understood, so I didn’t get in trouble at home.

        That was one of two school fights I ever had…the other was my junior yr of high school during intermission at a basketball game with a rival school & rival cheerleader…another story, another day, lol.

        Connie Jo;179592 wrote:
        I got sent to the principal’s office once for doing something I didn’t do! A bunch of my girlfriends in high school were smoking in the bathroom. I was sitting on the floor, picked up a cig butt & started writing my boyfriends name in the ashes. In walks the gym teacher…7 of us escorted to the principal for smoking. I pleaded innocence explaining, but they didn’t believe me…cig butt in hand made me guilty, regardless.

        I also got suspended in the 5th grade for an after school fight on school grounds. Damn girl was a school bully, picked on many, including me. I took it & took it. One day after school let out she was walking behind me as we left the building, she started messing with my hair, flipping it up, pulling at it some, mouthing off.

        Shoot…I guess I had enough after weeks of tolerating, cause at some point without warning I turned around and popped her with my fist & knocked her down. I hit her hard enough I lost my balance swinging & fell too, then we went to fighting on the ground. I remember a teacher pulling me off of her and another teacher pulling her up from the ground. She started crying like she was the victim!! pffffff!

        We both got suspended, cause witness’ told the principal she started it messing with my hair & being mouthy…but they said I was guilty for not ignoring her taunting. I’m not a violent person by nature, and it took a lot to get me that mad! I did ignore her for weeks!

        She never bullied me again, in fact, she did her best to befriend me. My dad thankfully was on my side and understood, so I didn’t get in trouble at home.

        That was one of two school fights I ever had…the other was my junior yr of high school during intermission at a basketball game with a rival school & rival cheerleader…another story, another day, lol.

        Wow what a story. There sure are some people me and my friends would like to “get rid of”:lol: .

        Not cos they bully me but cos they think they are higher than everyone else and only they matter.


        Oh, hahaha…the world is full of those self righteous hypocritical high & mighty personalities. I don’t mesh well with those personalities, and try to avoid them…they’re bummers to be around! :)

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