Home Forums Kansas City Chiefs Introduce yourself to the Crowd! Hi, I am seek and I am an acoholic. Reply To: Hi, I am seek and I am an acoholic.

Chiefster;90935 wrote:
Welcome aboard seek! I too found this place a couple of years back looking for an alternative to the “Planet”. You can ask just about any member here; I do not and will not play favorites among members here regardless of how long they’ve been a member. :)

I used to visit the Planet when the off season got slow. I even participated in the Joe Delaney event one year. I played golf with Royc74, and a couple others whose screen names I can’t remember. I spent some time talking to Phobia over the years starting at the Star, my old forum and on the Planet.

I don’t mind people playing favorites, as long as I am one of them. 😆

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!