Canada;91148 wrote:
Shouldn’t you wait until you are a little better than 1-9 vs. a team before you go start talking shit? The only thing worse than not drafting a QB would be drafting Jamarcus Russel, but you will learn. Hope you have fun watching us take the Gayders apart at the opener. I have one ticket to the game left that I would happily give you free of charge. Although as a Gayders fan, I doubt you would have the balls to show up. Pussy.
Ha-Ha, I never thought I would live to see the day that a canadian calls an American a pussy. Not only does my team own your team, my country owns your country! So if I were you, I wouldn’t talk. The Chiefs are by far the worst team in the AFCW, your team is so untalented and sucky, it’s embarrasing to the rest of the AFCW, a division that the RAIDERS built.
You, sir, just got owned…
But you should be used to getting owned, being that you’re canadian and all…
2008 Chiefs = 1-15
your team sucks badly….