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RaidersOwnYou;91174 wrote:
It’s funny when Chief fans talk smack when they haven’t won the SB since the late 60’s? Your whole entire organization is a joke. Your team has no talent, and your fans are stupid for selling out every game when they KNOW the stupid queefs are just going to wind up losing.

Somebody get me a ticket to a Raiders vs Chief game in Kansas City, and I’ll be glad to go. I have trouble seeing how a bunch of “middle of the road, no life HILLLBILLYS” are going to kick my ass. Come to Oakland, and see how far you’d get wearing a KC jersey…not very far is the answer in case you STUPID ASS, uneducated hillbillies couldn’t figure that out…


You have already been offered the ticket you tool!!! I don’t live in KC and didn’t plan on going to the game but I will gladly meet you there to teach you a thing or 20 about the game of talkin smack….and football! Since you probably can’t afford the plane ticket or anything else, I would even meet you half way to educate you about a few things. Does it bother you when everyone in the league laughs at your owner? He will spend and spend and spend on players that won’t help your dumbass team! He is by far the biggest joke of an owner now days! You should be wishin he would just die already so you team would have the opportunity to resemble an actual NFL franchise and not a bunch of goons! BTW…your team did a nice job in “The Longest Yard”!!!! Looked just like they do on Sundays!!!


Chiefs Merchandise Sale!