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RaidersOwnYou;91150 wrote:
Ha-Ha, I never thought I would live to see the day that a canadian calls an American a pussy. Not only does my team own your team, my country owns your country! So if I were you, I wouldn’t talk. The Chiefs are by far the worst team in the AFCW, your team is so untalented and sucky, it’s embarrasing to the rest of the AFCW, a division that the RAIDERS built.

You, sir, just got owned…

But you should be used to getting owned, being that you’re canadian and all…

2008 Chiefs = 1-15

your team sucks badly….

RaidersOwnYou;91151 wrote:
LMFAO!!! This has got to be one of the dumbest, idiotic statements I’ve read in a while from a queef fan, and that’s saying something. A Canadian/Chief fan calling a Raider fan a pussy. How bout to come to the black hole and wear a number 27 Larry Johnson jersery? You’d get your ass beat faster than the Chiefs will fire Herman Edwards this year, and that’s fast.

Owned…once again…

My apologies to the mods… :bananen_smilies046:

Mother****er…I don’t care if you are American, Canadian, Italian or Chinese. I told you I have an extra ticket to the opener. We will be in lot G. I will get you a hotel room at the Red Roof Inn for the low low price of $60 a night. I will drive you to the parking lot of 1 Arrowhead Dr and hand you a beer and a rack of ribs and I will give you about 10 minutes to truly enjoy what you will experience…and then I will **** you up so badly the only thing your Gayders jersey will be good for is trying to stop the bleeding. And I am not talking about a few shots to the head. I will seriously **** you up. All to the Cheers of my fellow Chiefs fan. Well worth the cost of the ticket in you ask me. :bananen_smilies046:

You say 2008 Chiefs 1-15

I say 2003-2008 Gayders vs Chiefs 1-9

I would say suck it ****** but you mom already did and I don’y like to mix with families…so continue to suck someones, but it won;t be mine. homo. :iamwithstupid:

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!