Home Forums Kansas City Chiefs Introduce yourself to the Crowd! Hi, I am seek and I am an acoholic. Reply To: Hi, I am seek and I am an acoholic.


I got divorced about 7 years ago. I was 25 and started dating a 21 year old. Mad the mistake of trying to party like I was 21 again and not the broken down matured to 50 to fast kid I thought I was. Made the stupid mistake of driving home when I thought I was fine and had an incident where there was a death. I hit a bug with my windshield. Ever since then I have never drank and drove again.

Seriously though, I did go party with a 21 year old after my divorce. Thought I was fine to drive but wasn’t and did go through a sobriety check. Was barely over the legal limit. Got a DUI paid my time in classes and fines. I hate myself for it and I am thankful for getting caught. It sickens me to think I was that stupid and it really bothers me more, watching people get in their car and drive off, after having any amount of a drink in their system. It just isn’t worth the risk of their life, or MY families life that such person now put at a risk.

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!