doomsday;92251 wrote:
It was 15 years ago!!! Listen none of us are perfect!
There is a difference in being wrong and just dumb… Clearly the wrong head was doing the thinking. I bet she had you sitting down to pee.
My brother in law is a Donkey fan. He is insistent on trying to make my son a Donkey Fan… Which there is now way that will happen. That kid is a die hard Chief fan. More than me… Anyway, one day he took a picture of my son sleeping with a Denver shirt on. He had a big ole grin on his face when he showed it. I said, I see… and this makes you think I will let you watch my son again, you are mistaking.. So that is when I taught my son to say Funk the Broncos and the Donkies suck… He says it all the time…. Gets me in trouble with the wife, but he now hates the Donkies.