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milkman;92357 wrote:
The problem here is twofold.
(That means that there are two separate reasons for the lack of serious responses.)

First, you clearly are trying to stir the ****, so you won’t get many to take you seriously.
(We, as Chief fans, should be a little more compassionate, cause when you live in ****, then you, no doubt, occassionally need to stir it.)

Second, I don’t think there are many here who would argue that the Chiefs are going to be good this year.
Only a blind homer would even debate that.
(Still, it’s pretty pathetic for the fan of another suckass team to come in here to denigrate the Chiefs.
But then, we know that Raiderfans are pathetic losers.)

Ding ding, we have a winner. We know our team is probably gonna stink unless we pull off a surprise season, we don’t need a homer fan from another loser team to tell us that.

Plus, your insults suck, you should work on that. Or did your momma teach you how to talk trash?

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!