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IlovetheChiefs;94376 wrote:
I’m happy with Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate. And thankful he didn’t pick a liberal or moderate like Lieberman or Ridge. Since I’m a conservative, I wasn’t thrilled with McCain being the one to win the nomination, as he has strayed from conservatism at times. But with a solid conservative and Christian like Palin, I can now support this ticket with enthusiasm. And the alternative is so ultra liberal (Obama the most liberal Senator in the Congress and Biden the 3rd most liberal Senator) that John McCain alone is still the clear choice for me anyway.

The timing of announcing his veep selection was brilliant too. This takes the attention off of Obama’s speech last night at the Donkey stadium and puts McCain/Palin in the spotlight. And sets up nicely for next week’s convention in Viking land.

I know Spiman will agree with me on this…

How frickin’ hot was that picture of here with the AR-15 that the news flashed this morning. Dude chick with an automatic weapon. That just rocks.

I loved the line I heard on MSNBC (yeah I watch both sides) this morning… “She’s a gun-totin’, tax-cuttin’, Alaskan Hockey Mom.”

Yeah, as for the ticket, I was already voting for McCain before this morning, but now I can throw away that nose plug I bought to wear to the polling place.

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