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Yes and Yes, you need the right box however!
I’ve had the Sunday ticket for approx. 4 yrs and LOVE IT

This NFL season, see the big plays, bone-rattling hits and goal-line stands in stunningly clear picture and sound.

With NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ and NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ SuperFan only from DIRECTV, you’ll get over 100 NFL games in high-definition.*

That’s over 100 games in sharp detail, bright color and crisp sound. Order NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ and NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ SuperFan today and bring home the ultimate football viewing experience. Get the inside scoop on NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ SuperFan from Hall of Famer Howie Long in the DIRECTV Video Lounge.

Or, if you already have NFL SUNDAY TICKET and NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ SuperFan you may simply need to add the right HD equipment.

And when you also add the DIRECTV® HD Package you’ll now get over 125 total NFL games in HD*, including ESPN Sunday Night Football on ESPN HD. That’s more NFL games in high-definition than you’ll
find anywhere else – including digital cable.


Chiefs Merchandise Sale!