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KansasCityChris;141056 wrote:
Actually I didn’t straight up say anything regarding why or what Fantasy Football is for until I was bashed. Simple to say I said that FF points don’t help the Chiefs and I also stated without pointing fingers at anyone that I really hate it when people that think they can do as good a job as a GM because they are good at FF. If that comment bashed you or Big Daddy Tek, sorry bout it but your feelings towards me on that don’t change my opinion about what I said. Fantasy Football is just that, for people to dream about being a Football GM, I consider that being a dreamer. I am not comparing you to me or me to anyone about anything. I just simply don’t feel the same as you and if you Fantasy Football Players all hate me for not feeling the way you want me to that is your problem. Bash me and get down on me all you want to but it actually strengthens my position on how I feel when it is done.now, yet again another post attempting to turn the actual thread away from the origin of it’s post. This post is about Mark Bradley , not KC Chris.
BTW, my opinion on him has yet to change and nobody is attempting to change it by giving me any solid reasons why I should feel Mark Bradley is a solid choice for the first team at WR.

1rst, you were bashed because you went into hypercritical mode. Just relax a little, dude.

2nd, being in the fantasy league is a GAME and of course, some folks may let it go to their head but it is for fun, just as the video games are as well.

I, for one, played in a fantasy league for the first time last year and up until then, I leaned more towards the BS side of it. However, my brother-in-law convinced me to do it and I have to admit, it was fun and challenging because you do have to manage your personnel based on injuries and upcoming opponents on a weekly basis.

Seriously, it becomes a strategy game more so than an actual video game and it was entertaining, yet as mentioned earlier in this thread, it does not take a lot of time to do each week.

FF is a hobby which is no different than a person that plays music, golfs, or anything else along those lines.

3rd, In regards to the post and staying on target, the thread was in fact about Bradley and what folks thought of him as a starter this year. I happen to believe that he has potential and the proof will come soon enough.

In regards to the FF side, I will not have him on my draft board! ;-)

4th, I don’t think anyone here hates you. In fact, you have some good evaluations and opinions….And you have some that differ with others. Join the “crowd”. All of us do not agree on everything.

Chiefs Merchandise Sale!