Home Forums Kansas City Chiefs The Locker Room Anyone got X-box 360

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    Just wondering if anyone has an x-box 360 and has x-box live and wants to play some games sometimes… ive been playing Call of Duty 4 alot lately but i do also have Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, just rented Fight Night Round 4, Madden 09, going to get NCAA football soon….but if anyone wants to play add me to Live ….HasselHoffen

    doobs_05;139969 wrote:
    Just wondering if anyone has an x-box 360 and has x-box live and wants to play some games sometimes… ive been playing Call of Duty 4 alot lately but i do also have Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, just rented Fight Night Round 4, Madden 09, going to get NCAA football soon….but if anyone wants to play add me to Live ….HasselHoffen

    Im on Fight Night Round 4 all the time, I will add you. My Gamertag is VAN1LLA GAR1LLA.


    You guys got to get the battlefield 1943 download coming july 8th.

    Its only $15.

    My gamertag is Sn8ke Ize31
    Battlefield 1943

    Sn@keIze;139984 wrote:
    You guys got to get the battlefield 1943 download coming july 8th.

    Its only $15.

    My gamertag is Sn8ke Ize31
    Battlefield 1943

    Yes sir buying it for sure next Wednesday.


    I never played battlefield but i’ll have to get and play ya guys


    don’t get battlefield 19 what ever it’s having problems lately,like alot of people can’t play online wait to buy it

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