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    I still can’t figure out what I truly want to do with my life.

    How did you find out what you wanted to do?


    Accidentally got a girl pregnant (twice) and had to get a good job!!

    honda522;140204 wrote:
    I still can’t figure out what I truly want to do with my life.

    How did you find out what you wanted to do?

    Well I went in to the Army (not by choice by the way, my friends and neighbors called me = drafted) and tried several things until I found something I liked repairing computer back in the early 70’s and been doing it since.

    honda522;140204 wrote:
    I still can’t figure out what I truly want to do with my life.

    How did you find out what you wanted to do?

    What is it you love to do?

    I love to write, and I love business management. So it was obvious to me that I needed to go to college for either or both. The path I am on right now I do both, I am a manager as a career, and I write in my spare time about the two things I love the most: The Chiefs and Video Games.

    So I guess you need to ask yourself what it is you love to do, and figure out how your going to get there. You will figure it out with time, i did not realize what I wanted to do until I was 24, and I am 26 now. So you have time, and do not need to rush anything.

    Vanilla Garilla;140208 wrote:
    What is it you love to do?

    I love to write, and I love business management. So it was obvious to me that I needed to go to college for either or both. The path I am on right now I do both, I am a manager as a career, and I write in my spare time about the two things I love the most: The Chiefs and Video Games.

    So I guess you need to ask yourself what it is you love to do, and figure out how your going to get there. You will figure it out with time, i did not realize what I wanted to do until I was 24, and I am 26 now. So you have time, and do not need to rush anything.

    Well I asked myself this before. Music and football. But I don’t see myself being involved in football or music.

    I was considering getting a degree in Geology, but do I really do that? Then I thought about a BA in Marine Sceince. But I still don’t know.

    There is only one thing I know I want, and that is to move to Hawaii. Been my dream ever since I was 7. I wont let anything stop me from getting there.

    Canada;140205 wrote:
    Accidentally got a girl pregnant (twice) and had to get a good job!!

    Pregnancy is never an accident but, more so one of Gods plans. :D


    I wanted to be in the Special Forces and retire in the Military. I did half of that as my broken back won’t allow me to finish out to 20 yrs, I got in 8 of them :D
    After that I decided to try music, gotta tell ya bro that is a steep mountain to climb but, if you choose it I wish you all the luck in the world.

    KansasCityChris;140215 wrote:
    I wanted to be in the Special Forces and retire in the Military. I did half of that as my broken back won’t allow me to finish out to 20 yrs, I got in 8 of them :D
    After that I decided to try music, gotta tell ya bro that is a steep mountain to climb but, if you choose it I wish you all the luck in the world.

    PFC Todd Blackburn? 😆


    I loved playing video games so i decided to learn Video game Design….went and did online classes but didn’t finish then got a letter saying i owed $25,000 in loans so i got back in school and i’m still trying to get my degree and hopefuly create a game that kicks ***

    honda522;140226 wrote:
    PFC Todd Blackburn? 😆

    I was a E-6 Staff Sargent and who the hell is Todd Blackburn?:bananen_smilies046:

    doobs_05;140235 wrote:
    I loved playing video games so i decided to learn Video game Design….went and did online classes but didn’t finish then got a letter saying i owed $25,000 in loans so i got back in school and i’m still trying to get my degree and hopefuly create a game that kicks ***

    That is cool, maybe you can make a game based around online eFedding for wrestling. If your wondering what I mean, PM me we can chat about it . I always had a idea but no knowledge on how to created the games.

    honda522;140209 wrote:
    Well I asked myself this before. Music and football. But I don’t see myself being involved in football or music.

    I was considering getting a degree in Geology, but do I really do that? Then I thought about a BA in Marine Sceince. But I still don’t know.

    There is only one thing I know I want, and that is to move to Hawaii. Been my dream ever since I was 7. I wont let anything stop me from getting there.

    Well if you want to move to Hawaii, your best bet is to get a degree in Marine Science. But geology would work too because that place is a hot bed of volcanic activity.

    Anyways, time is on your side. Dont rush anything, and more than likely your dream jobs will change over time. I went from wanting to be a pro football player ages 6-18, to a politician 17-current, and a writer from 15-current, And now I fell in love with business management. So dont rush or worry because you will figure it out on your own, in your own time.

    KansasCityChris;140239 wrote:
    I was a E-6 Staff Sargent and who the hell is Todd Blackburn?:bananen_smilies046:

    Probably his rank and name. I was also an E-6 but I was a Spec-6. My son went the Air Force and has 15 years in now and is an E-7 and a 1st Shirt.

    KansasCityChris;140239 wrote:
    I was a E-6 Staff Sargent and who the hell is Todd Blackburn?:bananen_smilies046:

    Please tell me you have seen Black Hawk Down.

    He was the guy in the Black Hawk that fell and I am sure he broke his back. I wasn’t trying to disrespect anyone. Hell, for all of could have known you could of been him.


    I would like to be a quality control engineer at Blvd. Brewery. I have some practical experience in this area.

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