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  • #889005
    Canada;140671 wrote:
    Moderation indeed. Sometimes I only drink 1 case of beer.

    By sometimes you mean only when your sick right?


    I think not.


    I have high hopes for Bradley. Reports from Chicago was the same for the Bears last year, but he and his teammates didn’t get along so Chicago let him go to save the locker room.

    He started out on fire, but I think as teams game planned around Thigpen, his production dropped and it seemed like Thigpen looked for Tony G or Drop Bowe more often and started forcing passes to both of them.

    Vanilla Garilla;140654 wrote:
    Well said, you have to be careful with whatever you do. For example, I used to be hooked on golfing, I would go golfing every day and i ended up spending a small fortune on green fees and golfing equipment.

    Moderation is key! I only get into 2 FF leauges each season, so It only takes me an hour or two a week to manage. I spend far more time on sites like these, and playing video games than I ever would with fantasy football.

    A while back, I remember a thread in which you mentioned your wife was a nag, or something to that level…..Now I know why. Ye best be getting the woman taken care of or you will be living in a 1 BR shack with Madden, FF, drinking the cheapest brewski’s and a 13 inch color tv.


    dbolan;140725 wrote:
    A while back, I remember a thread in which you mentioned your wife was a nag, or something to that level…..Now I know why. Ye best be getting the woman taken care of or you will be living in a 1 BR shack with Madden, FF, drinking the cheapest brewski’s and a 13 inch color tv.


    You sayin’ that like its a bad thing…:toast2:

    KansasCityChris;140419 wrote:
    By the way I talk? Dude, don’t insult my intelligance ! BTW , why do you feel you need to defend Fantasy Football? You aren’t doing anything wrong but I will say this, any Fantasy Football guru that thinks they can run a real team simply because they are a Ace at Fantasy Football is a fool. That was my entire point and why would I want to play a game that isn’t to my liking? All I am saying is simply this, there is a reason the GM’s in the NFL make millions of dollars of Salary, because they know wtf they are doing for REAL. I will never attempt to play Fantasy Football and your correct, I never have even tried. I have so much on my schedule now that I don’t have the time and even if I did have the time I would most likely find somethinng else to do. I watch just enough tv to cover football season and I watch wrestling. I usually record that and watch it while laying in bed instead of watching David Letterman. Don’t feel as though I am insulting fantasy football players, just keep in mind that in no way could a FF guru ever be a GM for real. I doubt Scott Pioli plays LMAO!!!
    pCe my friend……..:bananen_smilies046:

    PS: I never have done the franchise mode on Madden, I just play a season and usually don’t make it to the end due my schedule.SH!T happens.

    The more I read your posts, the more I think that you are 15 years old. Its been a while since I bombed on anybody here at “The Crowd.” But I cant help myself right now. What are you on? You sound higher than Tamaric Vanover after a Bam Morris drug deal. “Thats why GM’s make millions of dollars of salary.” WTF are you talking about? Millions of dollars of salary? All the guy said is that Bradley scored him some fantasy points and you want to make sure he knows that he is not qualified to be a GM. Thanks Sherlock! For a second there I thought he was taking Pioli’s spot. Who mentioned GM’s anyway? I thought this was a Bradley Thread.

    Then we had to hear about your friend who lost his wife because of Fantasy football and how he goes to a Fantasy football group meeting to kick the addiction. Seriously? I think him and his wife have bigger fish to fry.

    You said that you are WAY to busy to participate in Fantasy Football. Funny. For a guy with such a busy lifestyle, why do you have 3 times the posts that I do and you have only been a member since February. I can guarantee you that Fantasy football takes a lot less time than you spend here! Its a once a week, maybe twice a week thing. And YES, it DOES take a pretty knowledgeable person to win a Fantasy Championship, especially if you are in a money league. Does that mean that the winner thinks that he could be a GM? NO. Its a computer game! “just keep in mind that a FF guru could not be a GM.” Thanks for that Chris. By the way, If the Chiefs DID have players who scored alot of fantasy points, they would be MUCH closer to a Championship than they are now. THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN RE-AL LIFE, THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN FAN-TA-SY! Oh, by the way, I AM totally questioning your intelligence. As a matter of fact, Im almost positive that you are the same idiot that Coach booted in January for talking crap in a thread to Tex and I. If you aren’t, your just as smart as he was. The fact that you admittedly watch wrestling would axplain your 5th grade mentality. After that admission, you should never dis anybody again.

    I guess I should finish this off by saying that its OK to say all of this because it is “my opinion.” Right Chris? IMO. Right? Just sugar coat a toilet full of your bullsh!t facts by saying IMO. Stop! its annoying and you look stupid.

    Most people on this site play fantasy football and / or Madden and arent ashamed of it. So stop talking crap about something you have no idea about! I run a business, go to school at night (not right now) and have 3 kids and a wife. I still find time to do things that I enjoy, like typing this message about you!

    P.S. My Wife is not leaving me Chris. HAHAHA. Please do not respond. Reading your usual comments is already too tough to handle.

    Big Daddy Tek;140794 wrote:
    The more I read your posts, the more I think that you are 15 years old. Its been a while since I bombed on anybody here at “The Crowd.” But I cant help myself right now. What are you on? You sound higher than Tamaric Vanover after a Bam Morris drug deal. “Thats why GM’s make millions of dollars of salary.” WTF are you talking about? Millions of dollars of salary? All the guy said is that Bradley scored him some fantasy points and you want to make sure he knows that he is not qualified to be a GM. Thanks Sherlock! For a second there I thought he was taking Pioli’s spot. Who mentioned GM’s anyway? I thought this was a Bradley Thread.

    Then we had to hear about your friend who lost his wife because of Fantasy football and how he goes to a Fantasy football group meeting to kick the addiction. Seriously? I think him and his wife have bigger fish to fry.

    You said that you are WAY to busy to participate in Fantasy Football. Funny. For a guy with such a busy lifestyle, why do you have 3 times the posts that I do and you have only been a member since February. I can guarantee you that Fantasy football takes a lot less time than you spend here! Its a once a week, maybe twice a week thing. And YES, it DOES take a pretty knowledgeable person to win a Fantasy Championship, especially if you are in a money league. Does that mean that the winner thinks that he could be a GM? NO. Its a computer game! “just keep in mind that a FF guru could not be a GM.” Thanks for that Chris. By the way, If the Chiefs DID have players who scored alot of fantasy points, they would be MUCH closer to a Championship than they are now. THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN RE-AL LIFE, THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN FAN-TA-SY! Oh, by the way, I AM totally questioning your intelligence. As a matter of fact, Im almost positive that you are the same idiot that Coach booted in January for talking crap in a thread to Tex and I. If you aren’t, your just as smart as he was. The fact that you admittedly watch wrestling would axplain your 5th grade mentality. After that admission, you should never dis anybody again.

    I guess I should finish this off by saying that its OK to say all of this because it is “my opinion.” Right Chris? IMO. Right? Just sugar coat a toilet full of your bullsh!t facts by saying IMO. Stop! its annoying and you look stupid.

    Most people on this site play fantasy football and / or Madden and arent ashamed of it. So stop talking crap about something you have no idea about! I run a business, go to school at night (not right now) and have 3 kids and a wife. I still find time to do things that I enjoy, like typing this message about you!

    P.S. My Wife is not leaving me Chris. HAHAHA. Please do not respond. Reading your usual comments is already too tough to handle.

    You, good sir, are my hero.

      hermhater;140675 wrote:
      I think not.

      I sometimes think “not”, but then sometimes I think “so”; it just all depends – especially at my age. :wheelchair:

      Big Daddy Tek;140794 wrote:
      The more I read your posts, the more I think that you are 15 years old. Its been a while since I bombed on anybody here at “The Crowd.” But I cant help myself right now. What are you on? You sound higher than Tamaric Vanover after a Bam Morris drug deal. “Thats why GM’s make millions of dollars of salary.” WTF are you talking about? Millions of dollars of salary? All the guy said is that Bradley scored him some fantasy points and you want to make sure he knows that he is not qualified to be a GM. Thanks Sherlock! For a second there I thought he was taking Pioli’s spot. Who mentioned GM’s anyway? I thought this was a Bradley Thread.

      Then we had to hear about your friend who lost his wife because of Fantasy football and how he goes to a Fantasy football group meeting to kick the addiction. Seriously? I think him and his wife have bigger fish to fry.

      You said that you are WAY to busy to participate in Fantasy Football. Funny. For a guy with such a busy lifestyle, why do you have 3 times the posts that I do and you have only been a member since February. I can guarantee you that Fantasy football takes a lot less time than you spend here! Its a once a week, maybe twice a week thing. And YES, it DOES take a pretty knowledgeable person to win a Fantasy Championship, especially if you are in a money league. Does that mean that the winner thinks that he could be a GM? NO. Its a computer game! “just keep in mind that a FF guru could not be a GM.” Thanks for that Chris. By the way, If the Chiefs DID have players who scored alot of fantasy points, they would be MUCH closer to a Championship than they are now. THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN RE-AL LIFE, THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN FAN-TA-SY! Oh, by the way, I AM totally questioning your intelligence. As a matter of fact, Im almost positive that you are the same idiot that Coach booted in January for talking crap in a thread to Tex and I. If you aren’t, your just as smart as he was. The fact that you admittedly watch wrestling would axplain your 5th grade mentality. After that admission, you should never dis anybody again.

      I guess I should finish this off by saying that its OK to say all of this because it is “my opinion.” Right Chris? IMO. Right? Just sugar coat a toilet full of your bullsh!t facts by saying IMO. Stop! its annoying and you look stupid.

      Most people on this site play fantasy football and / or Madden and arent ashamed of it. So stop talking crap about something you have no idea about! I run a business, go to school at night (not right now) and have 3 kids and a wife. I still find time to do things that I enjoy, like typing this message about you!

      P.S. My Wife is not leaving me Chris. HAHAHA. Please do not respond. Reading your usual comments is already too tough to handle.

      I read 2 sentances of your inmature ranting and instantly knew that it needed to result in an instant stop and respond. I would suggest that if you don’t wish to read my posts or you can’t bring yourself down to MY LEVEL of thinking that in your profile is a little known and little used option called ignore. As for your reference to my age? Thanks for the guess and I wish I was 15 again, would be even more fun than the first time.
      Have a great day ;)


      Since everyone has gotten off topic I will bring it back into swing whether Big Daddy Tek thinks I am qualified to have an opinion or not.(Last time I checked I am a Chiefs fan and a member of this site with the same rights as him) Mark Bradley is a risk and has yet to show that he is worthy of the first team. He might be a a Fantasy football fav , might not be , I really don’t know nor do I care as I do not take part in the socially favorite game and I am not ashamed to say that I don’t bow down and cave to the pier pressure and take part in games or social functions simply because everyone else does it, with that said it is safe for me to say because it is my opinion that Mark Bradley is a man with some issues regarding his health that keep him from contributing to the better of the team. If he can stay out of the physical trainers office because of injury he might be able to change my opinion but, for now I will stay with my current assessment.

      Bike;140733 wrote:
      You sayin’ that like its a bad thing…:toast2:

      Nah..Just wanted to make sure you were well aware of the options! lmao

      Big Daddy Tek;140794 wrote:
      The more I read your posts, the more I think that you are 15 years old. Its been a while since I bombed on anybody here at “The Crowd.” But I cant help myself right now. What are you on? You sound higher than Tamaric Vanover after a Bam Morris drug deal. “Thats why GM’s make millions of dollars of salary.” WTF are you talking about? Millions of dollars of salary? All the guy said is that Bradley scored him some fantasy points and you want to make sure he knows that he is not qualified to be a GM. Thanks Sherlock! For a second there I thought he was taking Pioli’s spot. Who mentioned GM’s anyway? I thought this was a Bradley Thread.

      Then we had to hear about your friend who lost his wife because of Fantasy football and how he goes to a Fantasy football group meeting to kick the addiction. Seriously? I think him and his wife have bigger fish to fry.

      You said that you are WAY to busy to participate in Fantasy Football. Funny. For a guy with such a busy lifestyle, why do you have 3 times the posts that I do and you have only been a member since February. I can guarantee you that Fantasy football takes a lot less time than you spend here! Its a once a week, maybe twice a week thing. And YES, it DOES take a pretty knowledgeable person to win a Fantasy Championship, especially if you are in a money league. Does that mean that the winner thinks that he could be a GM? NO. Its a computer game! “just keep in mind that a FF guru could not be a GM.” Thanks for that Chris. By the way, If the Chiefs DID have players who scored alot of fantasy points, they would be MUCH closer to a Championship than they are now. THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN RE-AL LIFE, THE BET-TER THEY ARE IN FAN-TA-SY! Oh, by the way, I AM totally questioning your intelligence. As a matter of fact, Im almost positive that you are the same idiot that Coach booted in January for talking crap in a thread to Tex and I. If you aren’t, your just as smart as he was. The fact that you admittedly watch wrestling would axplain your 5th grade mentality. After that admission, you should never dis anybody again.

      I guess I should finish this off by saying that its OK to say all of this because it is “my opinion.” Right Chris? IMO. Right? Just sugar coat a toilet full of your bullsh!t facts by saying IMO. Stop! its annoying and you look stupid.

      Most people on this site play fantasy football and / or Madden and arent ashamed of it. So stop talking crap about something you have no idea about! I run a business, go to school at night (not right now) and have 3 kids and a wife. I still find time to do things that I enjoy, like typing this message about you!

      P.S. My Wife is not leaving me Chris. HAHAHA. Please do not respond. Reading your usual comments is already too tough to handle.

      In my opinion, the words highlighted above in red, are highly accurate and were a pleasure to read.


      That thread deserves a Jim Rome RACK!!


      dbolan;141045 wrote:
      In my opinion, the words highlighted above in red, are highly accurate and were a pleasure to read.


      That thread deserves a Jim Rome RACK!!


      IMO, he is just crying foul because he is a wanna be dreamer with bigger issues than telling me to stick it up my bonghole. Big friggin deal. Fantasy Football is for dreamers who have nothing real in their life. As far as I am concerned this thread is no longer about the thread title but more of a personal dig against my comments which is sad to see because it seems that I make a sincere comment about how I feel and it gives the people who have nothing real in their life to cry about. I think if nobody is willing to continue the conversation about MARK BRADLEY which is what my comment was based around and not Fantasy Football, then this thread should be closed. Yes another thread closed because of people who insist on making ME the vocal point and not the intended issue which is what the thread should have remained about. You people truly need to grow the Fvck up and get back to the conversation at hand, The Kansas City Chiefs, not how badly you hate my guts because quite frankly , I truly don’t give a sh!t how any of you feel about me. I am never going to leave this site so either get over yourselves and get back to Chiefs conversation or go elsewhere and b!tch about how bad your disgruntle feelings to someone who cares.
      I will say it one more time so in case nobody has gotten my point, Mark Bradley is a risk for the Chiefs to field as long as he is going to cry the injury wagon tear train he has since being aquired. I didn’t make the guy a peice of crap, that is his issue and to be honest if it were my choice he would not be on the team, however I don’t get a voice in that matter.

      KansasCityChris;141048 wrote:
      IMO, he is just crying foul because he is a wanna be dreamer with bigger issues than telling me to stick it up my bonghole. Big friggin deal. Fantasy Football is for dreamers who have nothing real in their life. As far as I am concerned this thread is no longer about the thread title but more of a personal dig against my comments which is sad to see because it seems that I make a sincere comment about how I feel and it gives the people who have nothing real in their life to cry about. I think if nobody is willing to continue the conversation about MARK BRADLEY which is what my comment was based around and not Fantasy Football, then this thread should be closed. Yes another thread closed because of people who insist on making ME the vocal point and not the intended issue which is what the thread should have remained about. You people truly need to grow the Fvck up and get back to the conversation at hand, The Kansas City Chiefs, not how badly you hate my guts because quite frankly , I truly don’t give a sh!t how any of you feel about me. I am never going to leave this site so either get over yourselves and get back to Chiefs conversation or go elsewhere and b!tch about how bad your disgruntle feelings to someone who cares.
      I will say it one more time so in case nobody has gotten my point, Mark Bradley is a risk for the Chiefs to field as long as he is going to cry the injury wagon tear train he has since being aquired. I didn’t make the guy a peice of crap, that is his issue and to be honest if it were my choice he would not be on the team, however I don’t get a voice in that matter.

      Chris, comments like what I highlighted in red are why people get on you so bad. You cannot simply make a point without tearing something down. Nobody once asked you what your opinion about Fantasy Football was, and you continue to regurgitate that you do not like it. I believe it was you that turned this post into a discussion about why you dont like FF, and now look what happened.

      Next time just stick to the topic, state whether or not Bradley is a good pickup in FF, and why? Dont get into all this hoo ha about how FF players are below you. This is what pisses off everyone.

      KansasCityChris;140353 wrote:
      The actual KC Chiefs don’t win Championships off of making people fantasy points. They need people that can play every game and make actual TDs and first down catches. I know that it’s easy to believe that people know what they are talking about when they get a Fantasy championship but believe this, the NFL is not fantasy land, GMs get paid millions to run teams because they know what the hell they are doing. I have yet to know anyone that gets paid to play fantasy football.

      Chris…Just trying to help here…Had you simply stated the words in red text, I think this thread would not have pointed back at ya. You do tend to “sound” attacking at times. Yes, that is my opinion!


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