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    Holy Moly! This last week has been a bit of an overwhelming one related to people I care for. This may sound odd, but it’s more realistic than one may know: credible scientific medical research has substantiated for quite some time, that full moons and winter can negatively affect one’s emotional well being, their outlook on life.

    I should probably clairfy before continuing, haha…I’m not a professional, I simply work through professionals as a volunteer helping people by being there as someone who cares offering emotional support, friendship, spiritual guidance when I can. As part of my volunteer efforts I’ve become familar with a variety of circumstances that can affect ones emotional well being.

    Back to point. I can only speculate when both occur at the same time, a full moon especially towards the tale end of winter as within the last week, increases risk factor compounding negative emotions even more. Toss in the negative factor our failed economy can have on emotional well being…people are in a real mess emotionally at every turn! Making matters worse…phyiscal well being often suffers as a result of poor emotional well being.

    Within the last week I’ve had so many approach who are struggling with the blues, depression, relationship & marriage break ups, financial crisis’, illness…you name it, there was a serious life struggle going on with most all I communicated with.

    I have several friends who live in and around Detriot. Michigan is struggling in ways more so than the rest of the U.S with our economic disaster. I’ve no doubt those in Michigan I’ve been attempting to comfort, are victims of our failed economy either directly or indirectly. Job loss, financial burdens…reak havoc on emotional & physical well being, and can also destroy relationships as a result.

    Although the arrival of Spring won’t bring relief to our failed economy, resolve all life struggles…I’m hoping & praying it will at least relieve the symptoms of Winter blues many are suffering from. Possibly then at least some will be able to cope with financial burdens and other life struggles a bit more positively.

    The economic burdens facing our society aren’t limited to Michigan, nor are the Winter blues…so y’all be careful out there during these struggling times. Take care of yourself and your families emotional well being in any way you can afford to…a night out to dinner, a movie, lot’s of hugs & kisses…laughter is always a good antidote to the blues. Don’t forget to take inventory of your most priceless blessings in life.

    Heck, I get the blues, we all do. Another antidote I have found to be an instant cure for the blues…is to reflect upon all those around me who struggle with battles far greater than mine. Reflecting upon my young friend Dillon battling terminal Cancer for example, puts a QUICK end to the blues or any self pity I may briefly encounter. I have a strong Faith, so I also turn to prayer and my Bible when feeling blue.

    When it’s all said and done…it’s those we love most and who love us, that are our greatest and most priceless assets in life. Only when we lose them, do we comprehend loss at it’s most painful level.

    God Bless Us Everyone! It’s an emotional war zone out there in our society!

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